The new water mains have been installed in S. Snowberry Dr., S. Laurel Pl., Blue Sage Dr. and Marigold Ln. The new mains have all passed state testing and inspections. All domestic water services have been transferred to the new mains. Paving is 95% complete. Final abandonment of the waterline is scheduled for November 9th at Blue Sage Dr. and Berry Ave., weather permitting.
An additional section of water main in Tule Lake Dr. has been added to the 2024 Capital Improvement Projects. A change order was approved by the board of directors on Friday, October 25 for Diaz Construction to complete this section along with the other four projects.
This project will replace 950 feet of 8″ cast iron pipe with 8″ PVC pipe in Tule Lake Dr. between S. Snowberry Dr. and Shasta Cir. This is last section of cast iron pipe to be replaced in the Bow Mar South neighborhood.
Project plans are awaiting approval by Denver Water. Diaz Construction plans to begin on Tule Lake Dr. around December 2 depending on Denver Water plan approval and weather. They intend to complete this project before the end of the year.

The yellow marks indicate the completed 2024 water main replacements. The green section with the arrow indicates the water main in Tule Lake Dr. to be replaced before the end of the year. The blue lines indicate other water mains throughout the area.