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2019-2028 Capital Master Plan

The Platte Canyon Board of Directors recently approved the District’s Capital Master Plan for 2019 – 2028. The purpose of the master plan is to itemize, prioritize and schedule water and wastewater facility expansion, rehabilitation and replacement projects, as well as vehicle purchases, to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of budgeting and cash flow analysis. The Plan enables the District to be proactive in confronting water and sewer system modifications and rehabilitation.

The 2019-2028 Capital Master Plan proposes expenditures of $1,721,028 in 2019 and $11,433,088 during the ten-year period. This compares with last year’s master plan projected expenditures for 2019 amounting to $390,531 and ten-year expenditures totaling $4,078,598. The 2019-2028 capital plan’s projected expenditures have increased significantly due to the reevaluation of all District water assets, with a focus on becoming more proactive in replacing assets prior to incurring major repair expenses. Water facility replacement projects account for 83 percent of the total proposed expenditures while sewer rehabilitation expenses and vehicle and equipment purchases account for three percent and 14 percent respectively.

Expenditures in this Plan will result in a reserve fund balance of $8,381,871 at year end 2019 and $6,339,913 at year-end 2028. These amounts are in line with the District’s cash reserve policy as adopted in 2018. No increases in tax revenues, tap fees or annexation fees will to be required to meet the goals of the current plan.

The Master Plan has been divided into water facility rehabilitation and replacement, sanitary sewer rehabilitation and replacement, and vehicle and equipment additions and replacements. Most water facility projects are planned replacements of cast iron and steel water mains which have experienced leaks due to electrolysis caused corrosion. No facilities are proposed for the purpose of expanding capacity to serve new development. Existing District facilities are adequate to serve all anticipated development within the District’s ultimate service area.

Four water main replacement projects are scheduled for construction in 2019. All of the projects propose replacement of cast iron pipe that has exhibited advanced levels of electrolysis caused corrosion. 3,920 feet of 8-inch, and 732 feet of cast iron pipe will be replaced with PVC pipe.

Projects CIP 19-1W and CIP 19-4W are located in the Leawood subdivision on S. Jay Ct. between W. Bowles Ave. and W. Leawood Dr., and on W. Leawood Dr. between S. Pierce St. and W. Fair Dr. The two projects propose replacement of 3,377 feet of 8-inch cast iron pipe at an estimated cost of $904,312 including engineering, construction and a 10 percent contingency.

Another 2019 capital water project, CIP 19-2W, proposes replacement of 732 feet of cast iron water pipe in S. Jay Dr. between W. Elmhurst Ave. and W. Monticello Ave. in the Columbine Hills subdivision. This short segment of water main was installed prior to the adoption of the District standard requiring protective wrap to eliminate direct contact with corrosive soils. The pipeline has experienced three electrolysis-caused water breaks since 1985. The estimated cost of the project including engineering and contingencies is $146, 618.

The final water replacement project scheduled for 2019, CIP 19-3W, is located at W. Rowland Pl. between S. Depew St. and S. Sheridan Ct. in the Columbine Knolls subdivision. The project proposes replacement of 1,255 feet of 8-inch cast iron pipe with PVC pipe. This pipeline was also installed without protective wrap and has experienced six breaks since 1997, the latest of which occurred in 2018. The estimated cost of this project is $317,939 bringing the total 2019 water related capital project budget to $1,368,869.

Platte Canyon owns and maintains a 16-inch sanitary sewer in S. Sheridan Blvd. in the Leawood Subdivision. The sewer main was pipe burst in 1959 to enable a 16-inch polyethylene pipe to be inserted within an existing 8-inch vitrified clay pipe. The Grant Water and Sanitation District paid for the upsizing in order to accommodate growth in the District and provide another connection point to Southwest Metropolitan’s C-line interceptor sewer. Five concrete manholes on the pipeline that exhibited advanced deterioration were lined with SpectraShield in 2018. In 2019, 293 feet of the 16” pipeline will be excavated and replaced to restore proper grade and flow. The estimated cost of the project is $316,159 of which the Grant Water and Sanitation District will be responsible for $303,513 and Platte Canyon will be responsible for $12,646.

The 2019-2028 Capital Plan proposes 26 additional water main replacement projects between 2020

and 2028. These projects total 31,202 feet of pipe; 8,419 feet of asbestos-cement pipe and 22,783 feet of cast iron pipe. The present-day replacement cost of the projects is $8,162,060 including engineering and contingencies.

Other than the sewer replacement project scheduled for 2019, no sewer replacement or rehabilitation projects are scheduled during the ten-year planning period.

Vehicle replacement costs for the period between 2019 and 2028 are projected to be $1,586,000, $407,000 more than the amount proposed in last year’s vehicle replacement schedule. Vehicle and equipment costs are limited to replacement of existing mobile assets and not additions to the District’s fleet.

Total capital expenses during the ten-year planning period are $11,433,088; 121 percent of the projected year end 2018 reserve fund balance of $9,471,113. Cash financing is anticipated for all capital projects and no increases in property tax rates, tap fees, or service charges are proposed over the ten-year period.

The entire Capital Master Plan for 2019 – 2028 is available for download or review at the District’s website under Construction Corner.