Board member Anthony Dursey is coming up on 40 years with not just one district but two districts we represent. Being a board director of both Platte Canyon and Southwest Metropolitan Water & Sanitation Districts, Dursey has seen many changes. He started on the board when there were only three Platte Canyon employees.
Dursey has seen some significant changes to each district throughout his 40 years including a lot of new construction in the service area, some interesting water break activity, as well as major decisions when it comes to mill levies and surcharge to customers.
Throughout his 40 years with the districts Dursey has showed his dedication by rarely ever missing a board meeting. Pat Fitzgerald, manager of Platte Canyon who has been with the District for 44 years said, “Mr. Dursey’s exceptional business and financial expertise has been a tremendous asset over the years. Under his direction, Platte Canyon has become recognized as one of the premier, financially stable water and sewer providers in the Denver Metropolitan area.”
Both Platte Canyon and SW Metropolitan are lucky to have such a loyal and dedicated board member.
Thank you for being a part of our districts for 40 years, Mr. Dursey.