The Plan identifies capital expenses of just over $800,000 in 2023 with a total of $21M over the next 10 years. One water main replacement project is scheduled for 2023. This project includes replacement of cast iron pipe with advanced levels of electrolysis-caused corrosion with new PVC pipe. The pipe to be replaced was installed in the early 1960s and was not protected from corrosive soils as is current practice. The Plan proposes 39 additional water main replacement projects between 2024 and 2032.
2023 Water Main Replacement
S. Depew Street – This project will replace 1,785 feet of 8″ cast iron pipe with 8″ PVC pipe in S. Depew Street from W. Ken Caryl Ave to W. Canyon Trail. This project is located within the Columbine Hills Subdivision, which contains some of the oldest water mains in the District.
The Plan allows the District to be proactive rather than reactive when dealing with asset replacement and rehabilitation needs. System modifications are prioritized so the facilities most in need of repair are replaced or rehabilitated in an appropriate timeframe. The goal is to minimize operation and repair expenses by avoiding costly unscheduled repair, replacement, and rehabilitation of deteriorating facilities. Most importantly, an aggressive capital rehabilitation and replacement program helps avoid system deterioration, disruption, and potential safety, health and property damage impacts.
The entire 2023-2032 Capital Master Plan is available for download or review on the District’s website under Construction Corner.