Water Quality
Denver Water collects and analyzes over 300 water samples from over 130 sites each month. These samples are tested for metals, radioactive isotopes, disinfection by-products, organic chemicals, and microbiological organisms. The results of these tests are reported to the Colorado Department of Health and to each customer in the annual Water Quality Report which is delivered to each Platte Canyon customer.
In addition to the tests coordinated by Denver Water, Platte Canyon operations staff sample water from every dead end water main at least once per year. These tests include checking for proper disinfectant residual to protect against bacterial growth in the water distribution system. In addition to sampling water quality, District staff flush all dead end water mains to maintain fresh supplies for all customers.
So, while Platte Canyon is a somewhat small, but important, cog in the water quality protection machine, it is a responsibility and challenge that the District employees gladly accept and proudly deliver.
If you are interested in more detailed information on treated water, select from Denver Water’s treated water quality reports by clicking here.
To obtain an official copy please call Denver Water’s Customer Care Department at 303-893-2444.