Platte Canyon Water and Sanitation has contracted with Levi Contractors to replace the water mains in S. Jay Dr. from W. Bowles Ave. to W. Leawood Dr. and in W. Leawood Dr. from S. Pierce St. to S. Ingalls St. The District has experienced numerous breaks on the existing pipeline over the past several years and has determined that its replacement is necessary to eliminate future disruption in water service.
The water main project is set to begin approximately the week of July 15th, 2019. Working hours will be from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm. The District intends to complete this project in a timely manner in order to minimize the inconvenience to you and other District residents. Short-term water outages will be required as the work progresses. You will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the outages.
Platte Canyon staff will be near the corner of S. Jay Ct. and W. Leawood Dr. on Monday, July 15th with an informational Pop Up tent. If you would like more information regarding these projects, feel free to stop by our Pop Up tent from 4 – 6 pm. If you are unable to attend the Pop Up event and have questions, please contact the District at 303-979-2333, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.