District Fee Schedule
Annexation Fees
$2,300 per acre or fraction thereof
Construction Plan Review Fees
Water: $5/lineal foot
Sewer: $5/lineal foot
Minimum Deposit Required: $3,000The District will invoice all costs exceeding the deposit and will reimburse any remaining funds upon completion of the project.
Easement Processing Fees
Actual Costs incurred by District to process the easement
Minimum Deposit Required: $3,000
The District will invoice all costs incurred to process the easement. Should costs exceed the amount of the deposit, the applicant will be invoiced, and any remaining funds after recording of the easement will be returned to the applicant.
License Processing Fee
Fire Hydrant Permits
Hydrant Use Fee: $100/month/hydrant
In addition to the monthly fee, a $350.00 refundable damage deposit will be collected for each hydrant issued a permit. If the hydrant is damaged, this deposit will be forfeited and any additional costs will be invoiced.
A numbered fire hydrant use sign will be issued with each hydrant permit. If the sign is not returned to the District, the $350.00 damage deposit will be forfeited.
Denver Water assesses a charge for all water withdrawn from any District owned fire hydrant.
Fire Line Tap Processing and Inspection Fee
License Processing Fee
Record Retrieval and Copying Charges
Records Retrieval: $32.58 per hour after first hour
Copying Charge: .25 per standard (8.5” x 11” or 8.5” x 14”) page. All other copies charged at actual production cost. -
Sewer Tap Fees
Single Family or Equivalent: $1,341
Multiple Family – Per Unit: $1,341Commercial and Industrial
Water Tap Size Equivalent 3/4″ Taps Tap Fee 3/4″ 2 $2,682 1″ 4.8 $6,437 1 1/2″ 11 $14,751 2″ 20 $26,820 3″ 43 $57,663 4″ 86 $115,326 In addition to the Platte Canyon sewer tap fee, the City of Littleton assesses a sewer tap fee for all connections made to District facilities.
Water Tap Fees
Tap Size Equivalent 3/4″ Taps Tap Fee 3/4″ 1 $2,900 1″ 2 $5,800 1 1/2″ 4 $11,600 2″ 8 $23,200 3″ 18 $52,200 4″ 36 $140,400 6″ 94 $272,600 In addition to the Platte Canyon water tap fee, the Denver Water Department assesses system development charges for all connections made to District facilities.