covid 19

District Response to COVID-19

As a precaution to the spread of COVID-19, the district lobby will be closed to the public until further notice.

The District is fully operating while following the CDC and state mandated guidelines. We will be available to assist you with any matter via phone or email. Please do not attempt to enter our facility at this time. Our lobby will be open to contractors by appointment only.

District operators will continue performing routine maintenance and repairs on district infrastructure. We ask that you please do not approach district staff in the field. Staff will respond to customer service calls, however we will not be sending any of our staff members into customer homes for your safety and theirs.  As always, we will have a staff member on call after hours. If you have an emergency after our regular business hours, call the main office number at 303-979-2333, then follow the prompts to page the on call staff person.

Given our current situation, the District would like to remind you to follow the “Three P’s” rule when it comes to what you can safely flush — flush only pee, poop and (toilet) paper.

Please do not flush any non-flushable items, even “flushable” wipes. Remember to “Keep Wipes Out of the Pipes!”

Follow the 3 P’s rule to help keep your plumbing safe from back ups and clogs.



Resources and information on water quality related to COVID-19 is available via:

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Fact Sheet

United States Environmental Protection Agency

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention