The Board of Directors approved the 2020-2029 Capital Master Plan (Plan) on November 22, 2019. This Plan enables the District to be proactive in addressing infrastructure needs by identifying, prioritizing and scheduling water and wastewater rehabilitation and replacement projects over the next ten years.
The 2020-2029 Capital Master Plan identifies $1.7M of needed infrastructure projects in 2020 with a total of $18M over the next 10 years. The five water main replacement projects listed below are scheduled for construction in the summer of 2020. All of these projects involve replacing old cast iron pipe that has exhibited severe levels of corrosion. Four of the five projects are located within the Columbine Hills subdivision, which contains some of the oldest water mains located in the District. Combined, the five water mains scheduled for replacement have experienced 17 water breaks, including six that occurred in 2018.
Capital Improvement Projects Scheduled for 2020:
- W. Geddes Avenue – This project will replace 1,311 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe with 6-inch PVC pipe in W. Geddes Avenue between S. Sheridan Court and S. Chase Court in the Columbine Knolls and Grove subdivision. Click here to view map.
- S. Kendall Boulevard – This project will replace 1,107 feet of 8-inch cast iron pipe with 8-inch PVC pipe in S. Kendall Boulevard between W. Alder Avenue and W. Monticello Avenue in the Columbine Hills subdivision. Click here to view map.
- W. Alder Avenue – This project will replace 465 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe with 6-inch PVC pipe in W. Alder Avenue between S. Kendall Boulevard and S. Jay Drive in the Columbine Hills subdivision. Click here to view map.
- W. Canyon Trail – This project will replace 900 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe with 6-inch PVC pipe in W. Canyon Trail between S. Depew Street and S. Sheridan Court in the Columbine Hills subdivision. Click here to view map.
- W. Canyon Avenue – This project will replace 1,005 feet of 6-inch cast iron pipe with 6-inch PVC pipe in W. Canyon Avenue between S. Depew Street and W. Canyon Drive in the Columbine Hills subdivision. Click here to view map.
No sanitary sewer replacements have been scheduled for 2020, but vehicle and equipment replacements will total $154,000.
No facilities in the replacement/rehabilitation schedule are needed to expand capacity to serve new development. Existing District facilities remain adequate to serve all anticipated development within the District’s ultimate service area.
Thirty-three water main replacement projects are scheduled for construction between 2021 and 2029 at an estimated cost of $15M. No sewer replacement or rehabilitation projects are scheduled between 2021 and 2029.
Water projects scheduled for construction after 2020 are subject to change due to the new rating criteria. Pipelines that do not experience continuing problems will likely be deprioritized for replacement at a later date or eliminated from the plan. Alternatively, pipelines that are on the plan and experience additional failures will be accelerated for replacement earlier than originally proposed.
The entire Capital Master Plan for 2020 – 2029 is available for download or review on the District’s website under Construction Corner.