district operator running cable

District Operations Continue Throughout Pandemic

During this time, the District remains committed to providing our residents with safe, reliable water distribution and wastewater collection services while preserving public health and the health and safety of our staff.

The District continues to fully operate without setbacks throughout the pandemic. District operators continue to work in the field maintaining and repairing district infrastructure while practicing social distancing and wearing protective face masks. District staff can be identified in the field wearing Platte Canyon Water & Sanitation employee identification cards. We ask that you do not approach any of our field staff at this time for your safety and theirs.

The District lobby remains closed to the public and to anyone who is not a staff member unless it is necessary and by appointment only (masks are required during the visit). As recommended by Governor Polis, the office staff along with the field crew are wearing protective face masks and maintaining social distance.

Due to the increase in COVID-19 exposures in our area, the District has reduced our in-person work by 50% in the office, meaning office personnel alternates days working from home and in the office. Staff continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and is complying with all Jefferson County Health Department Orders, State Public Health Department orders, as well as the Orders issued by the Governor.

District office hours have not changed during our current situation. We can be reached during regular business hours by phone or email from 8 am to 4:30 pm and are happy to address any questions or concerns that you may have. If you have an emergency after our regular business hours, call the main office number at 303-979-2333, then follow the prompts to page the on-call staff person.

Please refer to the following links for any questions or concerns related to COVID-19 and the quality of water and wastewater that is distributed and collected by the district.