gross reservoir

Increases to Water & Sewer Rates in 2020

Water Rates – On October 23, the Denver Board of Water Commissioners adopted rate changes to pay for critical upgrades and projects to keep its system operating efficiently. The new rates take effect January 1, 2020. 

Denver Water’s five-year proposed $1.3 billion capital plan includes about 140 major projects. The projects are focused on maintaining or upgrading infrastructure and ensuring the utility has the flexibility needed to guarantee a reliable water supply as weather patterns in the future deviate from the past and the population grows.

A water bill is comprised of a fixed charge that helps ensure Denver Water has a stable revenue to continue the necessary water system upgrades to ensure reliable service, and a volume rate for the amount of water used. All residential customers will see a slight increase on both the fixed monthly charge and the price per gallon.

Beginning January 1, 2020, fixed monthly charges will rise to $16.13 per month for residential customers who have a ¾ inch meter. The 2020 volumetric water rates per 1,000 gallons are shown in the following chart.

TierMonthly ConsumptionRates per 1,000 gallons
Tier 10 to average winter consumption (AWC)$2.74
Tier 2AWC + 15,000$4.93
Tier 3Greater than AWC + 15,000$6.58

These increases result in District customers seeing a monthly increase of approximately $1.15 per month. The amounts are based on residents who use 103,000 gallons of water a year.

Customers will receive information about the 2020 rates in their bills. If you have any questions about this rate increase, please call Denver Water Customer Service at 303-893-2444.

Sewer Rates –  On October 15, the Littleton City Council adopted sewer rate increases for all customers connected to the wastewater collection system. The new rates will be effective on January 1, 2020. 

Rates will increase by 3% with funds going to the Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund, which pays for operational and capital needs to manage sewer infrastructure. Revenues will fund several projects at the South Platte Water Renewal Partners (SPWRP), will address repair and maintenance concerns from the recent video inspection of all Littleton sewer lines, funds replacement of a backhoe, and funds the utility rate study and master plan.

The 2020 sewer rates for single family residents and multi-family buildings are shown in the following chart.

Single-Family Residential User
Inside City LimitsInside City Limits within a Sanitation DistrictOutside City Limits
Multi-Family Residential User
Inside City LimitsInside City Limits within a Sanitation DistrictOutside City Limits

Customers will receive information about the 2020 rates in their annual sewer bill. If you have any questions about this rate increase, please call the City of Littleton at 303-795-3700.