8/14/2018 Platte Canyon Invited to Celebrate Denver Water’s 100th Year Bash!
On Friday, August 10, 2018 Platte Canyon staff and their families attended Denver Water’s 100th Year Celebration at Waterton Canyon. Denver Water was established in 1918 and is the largest and oldest water utility in the state. Its service area covers more than 335 square miles, including the City and County of Denver and several suburban distributors.
How is Platte Canyon related to Denver Water? Well, we are a distributor! In 1964, in order to achieve a reliable water supply capable of meeting growing demands, Platte Canyon signed a “read and bill” water supply agreement with the Denver Water Department. The read and bill contract prescribed that Denver supply potable water for distribution through Platte Canyon owned pipes to individual District customers.
Waterton Canyon was were an entire town was built, to operate and maintain the Platte Canyon filtration plant. Old buildings were still in tacked and really brought out the history to present day. Throughout Waterton Canyon, there were fun games and displays to enjoy. Tours of the Strontia Springs Dam were available as well. Most of the Platte Canyon staff were able to take the tour up. The Dam is 6.5 miles upstream of the mouth of Waterton Canyon on the South Platte River. Water is diverted from the reservoir into a 3.4-mile tunnel under the mountains to the Foothills Water Treatment Plant.
Denver Water also had a documentary done on their history and had it playing for everyone to see. It was remarkable to see how far Denver Water has come from a century ago. This documentary will be featured on public channels this fall and is highly recommended. You will get to see how your water utility started and how it continues to provide safe and efficient water to you and the other 1.4 million people in Denver and surrounding suburbs.
Platte Canyon staff had such a great time celebrating with Denver Water. Thank you for including us in your celebration, Denver Water. Here’s to 100 years!